OWASP Mutillidae II: Keep Calm and Pwn On
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Privilege Escalation
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Privilege Escalation
Some sites keep authentication and/or authorization tokens in the user-agent (i.e. browser, phone, tablet). This gives the user (and XSS) large amounts of control over these tokens.

For privilege escalation via cookies, alter the cookie values and monitor the effect. Also, regsiter for two (or more) accounts, log into both, and note any differences between the respective cookies.
SQL Injection
Login pages can be vulnerable to SQL injection such that a password or possibly a username is required to authenticate.
Brute Force
Hydra and Burp Suite can be used to guess usernames and passwords quickly. Both tools can attempt to log into sites and report the result.
Secret Adminnistrative Pages
Built in pages can sometimes be accessed without a login or using privilege escalation. These pages can grant administrative authority to create other admin accounts.