OWASP Mutillidae II: Keep Calm and Pwn On
Usage Instructions
Mutillidae implements vulnerabilities from the
OWASP Top 10
2013, 2010 and 2007 in PHP.
Additionally vulnerabilities from the SANS Top 25 Programming Errors and select information
disclosure vulnerabilities have been added on various pages.
Home: Takes user to Home page
Login/Register: Takes user to Login page
Toggle Hints: Shows or hides the Hints on vulnerable pages
Show Popup Hints: Shows the popup hints over vulnerable areas of pages
Toggle Security: Changes the security level between insecure, client-side security and secure
Enforce SSL: When enforced, Mutillidae automatically redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS
Reset DB: Drops and rebuilds all database tables and resets the project
View Log: Takes the user to view the log
View Captured Data: Takes the user to the view the captured data
The menu on the left is organized by category then vulnerability. Some vulnerabilities
will be in more than one category as there is overlap between categories. Each
page in Mutillidae will expose multiple vulnerabilities. Some pages have half a dozen
and/or multiple critical vulnerabilities on the same page. The page will appear in the menu
under each vulnerability.
A listing of vulnerabilities
is available in menu under documentation or by clicking
The videos on the Webpwnized YouTube Channel are likely to be a some assistance. Videos
cover installation, using tools like Burp-Suite and exploits for various
Video Tutorials
Besides the menus, this will be the most important feature for newcomers. To enable hints,
toggle the "Show Hints" button (top menu bar). A hints section will appear IF the page contains
vulnerabilities. The Hints are "smart" showing only those hints that will help on the particular
Mutillidae currently has three modes: completely insecure, client-side security and secure.
In insecure and client-side mode, the pages are vulnerable to at least the topic they
fall under in the menu. Note that client-side security mode is just as vulnerable as
insecure mode, but JavaScript validation or HTML controls make exploits somewhat more
In secure mode,
Mutillidae attempts to protect the pages with server side scripts. Also, hints are disabled.
The mode can be changed using the "Toggle Security" button on the top menu bar.
The "Help Me" button provides a basic
description of the vulnerabilities on the page for which the user should try exploits.
Use this button to get a quick list of issues. Use the Hints to see more details.
If the
"Bubble Hints" are enabled (top menu bar), some of the vulnerable locations will have bubble
hints pop up when the user hovers the mouse over the vulnerable field or area.
Hints will typically provide some exploits.
Known exploits that are used in testing Mutillidae are located in
/documentation/mutillidae-test-scripts.txt. There is some documentation for each exploit
which explains usage and location.
Mutillidae is a "live" system. The vulnerabilities are real rather than emulated. This eliminates
the frustration of having to "know what the author wants". Because of this, there are likely
undocumented vulnerabilities. Also, this project endangers any machine on which it runs. Best practice
is to run Mutillidae in a virtual machine isolated from the network which is only booted
when using Mutillidae. Every effort has been made to make Mutillidae ables run entirely off-line.
A project whitepaper is available to explain the features of Mutillidae and suggested use-cases.
Introduction to OWASP Mutillidae II Web Pen Test Training Environment